مطالب متفرقه

  I said "God it hurts"
And God said "I Know"
I said "God I cry alot"
And God said "That"s why I gave you tears"
I said "God I get so depressed"
And God said "That why I gave you sunshine"
I said god I feel Alone"
And god said "That"s why I gave you loved ones"
I said "god my loved one is dead"
And God said"I watched mine nailed to the cross"
I said God "Where are they? "
And God said "Mine is on my right and yours is in the light.
I said "God it hurts"
And God said "I know"

نوشته شده در سه شنبه 89/6/9ساعت 9:15 عصر توسط مریم نظرت چی بود؟ ( ) |

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